
I would like to introduce you to the latest version of this song.
The original idea came up in 2011 with Nuno Esperto presenting an instrumental based on an idea of mine. I wanted a melody reminiscent of the nostalgia of songs from the past. With the instrument in hand, I started writing the lyrics.
The initial name I chose was “Memories of that summer”. In this song, I portray those passions that usually arise in the summer. Some of these passions tend to leave us stunned. It may seem impossible to find a better passion than that one, and sometimes that one is really the best one that has ever happened to us. Some result in marriage.
The original English lyrics needed to be grammatically corrected and given a new vocalization. This was done in 2021 with the help of Scobie Rider.
In 2023, this song was included in a mixing and mastering course project. On this occasion, the drums, created originally in a VST instrument, were replaced by a studio recording by Andrés Malta. The hands and support of João André helps to obtain a professional result.
Hope you like it!